Tag Archives: flat iron steak


The ultimate guide to steak

Meaty, beefy, juicy — steak is an American classic. 

With so many varieties and cuts of steak, though, it can be hard to know what sets each cut apart. What’s the difference between top sirloin steak, for example, and NY strip steak? Why are ribeyes and porterhouses so widely regarded in the culinary world? What’s the difference between skirt steak and flank steak, and how do you slice those thinner cuts?

This guide demystifies the world of steak and gives you the knowledge and tools to expertly prepare any kind of steak at home. From Philly cheese steaks whipped up with shaved steak to a decadent sauce-doused filet mignon, you’ll know exactly what you’re doing when preparing either. 

ButcherBox members receive many of these steaks in their monthly box. If you would like to sign up to get grass-fed, grass-finished beef delivered to your door, click here.

Top Sirloin Steak

Cut close to the round primal section of the cow, top sirloin steak is incredibly versatile. It’s rich like a roast but shares the texture and mouthfeel of a steak. You can grill it up to be served on its own or cube it and add it to stews and soups. It’s an economical cut of steak, making it great for everyday meals. Give this jerk-rubbed top sirloin with mofongo a try for a hearty, spicy meal.

Steak Tips

Incredibly tender, premium steak tips can be cut from tri-tip, coulotte, and sirloin. More pedestrian cuts come from various muscles but need a bit more help to be made into tender and juicy meals. They’re robust and meaty, and, at roughly one-inch a square, they make for some delicious hunks of meat. Try these braised in a soup or stew, or as full-flavored kebabs like this Dijon garlic smoked sirloin kebab dish.

Skirt, Bavette, and Flank Steak

Both skirt steak and flank steak are long, flat, and flavorful, while bavette steak is finely textured and flat. True bavette steak is hard meat cut to find in the U.S., despite its popularity across the pond. Flank steak is taken from the flank primal and is generally cut whole, and not divided into smaller portions. Skirt steak packs an even beefier flavor than flank steak, due to its connective tissue and fat content. Skirt steak is the default choice for fajitas, while flank steak responds well to marinating and grilling. Make sure to slice both thinly against the grain. For a good flank steak recipe, give this cilantro lime hickory grilled flank steak a try.

Shaved Steak

Looking to whip up a Philly cheese steak or a stir fry? Shaved steak is the ideal cut. Trimmed from the rib section, shaved steak is tender and full-flavored. It’s quick on the stove due to its thinness and pairs well with robust marinades.

New York Strip Steak

A favorite of steakhouses the world over, the New York strip steak can be cut thin or thick. It’s well-marbled and extremely tender, as it’s cut from the short loin, a rarely used muscle on the cow. The strip steak is a cut of beef that requires little more than a simple seasoning and a solid technique. Grill it, pan-sear it, or roast it—whatever you do, use lots of butter or even garlic butter. Enjoy this coffee-rubbed New York strip steak with berry sauce and parsnip mash for a well-rounded meal.

Ribeye Steak

The ribeye is a ButcherBox member favorite. Cut from the center of the rib section, it is smooth, rich, super beefy, and has significant marbling. Ribeyes respond well to an open flame due to their healthy fat content. Char them lightly and cook them until medium-rare. Here is a simple, sultry pan-seared ribeye recipe.

Ranch Steak

Ranch steaks are very lean—they’re trimmed of virtually all fat and cut from the shoulder muscle. They possess a distinct earthy flavor, in case you needed a reminder that they are indeed grass-fed. Due to the lack of fat, this steak can become tough if overcooked, so it’s best to aim for medium-rare. If you’re in the mood for something different, enjoy the caramelized and salty flavor of these honey and sea salt ranch steaks with rainbow carrots.

Denver Steak

While the term Denver steak has only been applied to this cut in recent years, a similar steak is called the zabuton by the Japanese due to its similarity to a plush seating cushion. It’s extraordinarily marbled and tender, coming from the same muscle section as the ribeye. It responds well to Asian flavors, like in this miso Denver steak recipe.

Filet Mignon

Famously fancy, filet mignon is a buttery, tender cut of beef. They come from the center of the tenderloin and are silky smooth in texture and mild in flavor. Grass-fed cattle are unique in that they produce filets with rich marbling and depth. Given their mild flavor, filet mignons hold up to decadent sauces like cream sauces or balsamic glazes. Date night? Here is the perfect filet mignon meal for two.

Flat Iron Steak

Flat iron steak comes from an area of the cow that is notorious for its tough, sinewy texture. However, researchers discovered a way to access the most tender section for a lean steak with rich marbling. Cut from the shoulder, it’s got a deep, meaty flavor and cooks up quick. Try it with a full-bodied sauce like a red wine glaze. Here’s a tasty pepper crusted flat iron with root vegetable mash.


The king of T-bones, a porterhouse is actually two steaks in one, consisting of a large NY strip on one side, and a filet mignon on the other. Fun fact: The tenderloin portion must be at least 1 ¼ inches thick to earn its namesake. Given its thickness, a porterhouse should be seasoned liberally, producing a thick crust of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. Here’s a recipe for the perfect porterhouse steak with herb butter.



Flat iron steak – A relatively new restaurant favorite that’s delicious and tender

Flat iron steak shouldn’t work. It is named after a domestic appliance, it is notoriously hard to find outside of restaurants, and it comes from an area of the cow, the shoulder blade, that was long considered too tough to produce any tender, enjoyable steaks.

But if you’ve ever had a grilled flat iron steak from a steakhouse or cooked it in your own backyard, you know that it is an amazing cut of beef.

The history of flat iron steaks

Flat iron steak is a tender cut of beef that not only has an interesting history but is also tough to find, similar to the Denver steak. Flat iron is not as prevalent in the butcher case as rib-eye, filet mignon, or flank steaks, but it is quite popular on restaurant menus in America and beyond.

Flat iron steak, which derives its name from its shape being similar to that of an old-fashioned clothes iron, has been around, in some form, for a while. The cut, or something similar to it, is known as the butler steak in the U.K. or the oyster blade steak in Australia and New Zealand. In some places, it can also be called book steak, petite steak, or shoulder top blade steak. However, much like the Denver steak, the flat iron steak as we now know it was not discovered until 2002 by researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska, and also as part of the Beef Checkoff Program.

The cut is derived from the shoulder of the cow, specifically from the top blade of the chuck primal cut. For a long period of time, the region from where the flat iron steak is derived was waste meat or used in ground beef mixes. This was due to the connective tissue that ran through it, making it undesirable as a stand-alone cut.

The researchers from Florida and Nebraska found a way to remove the gristle, creating a fibrous, marbled steak that is popular as a bistro steak. The term bistro steak is often used for tasty, tender cuts that are used by smaller restaurants as a delicious, cheaper alternative to more expensive cuts at high-end steakhouses like a New York strip steak.

The popularity of the flat iron steak among chefs is due to the versatility of the flavorful cut. According to our own Chef Yankel Polak, our in-house ButcherBox chef, “The flat iron steak is an industry darling, a new-age steak.”

It’s such a challenge to find in stores because it is in such high demand with restaurants. “It is on every top-notch steak joint’s menu these days,” Chef Yankel says.

Preparing flat iron steak

The tender cut can be cooked as is, but it is often used with a rub or marinade. It’s popular as a stir-fry meat, sometimes sliced for sandwiches, and commonly used with chimichurri or other spicy sauces for tacos. It can also be the centerpiece of other dishes.

The flat iron steak is ideal for grilling because it is relatively easy to cook. Whether using a marinade or just some olive oil, kosher salt, and freshly ground black pepper, our chef says that cooking it medium rare is best to keep the steak tender.

As Chef Yankel also explains, “It has a deep grain, so cutting against the grain is imperative, but it has minimal connective tissue, so your slices don’t have to be super thin.”

Chef Yankel says that flat iron is similar to both skirt steak and hanger steak, “For mouthfeel, it’s slightly chewy but in an enjoyable way, and for meatiness, it tastes like what you imagine beef should taste like,” he explained.

It is a shame that the cut is so prevalent among restaurants, as it is difficult for steak-loving consumers to find on their own. (Luckily, if you are a ButcherBox subscriber, it is often featured in our monthly boxes.)

Because of its great taste and usefulness, the flat iron steak has gained a tremendous reputation in the 15 years since it was discovered. Its legend will likely continue to grow. As Chef Yankel explains, “They will trend to higher price points as they gain popularity.”

So try to get your hands on one soon, or you might be priced out of the flat iron steak market in the near future.

Here is one of our favorite flat iron steak recipes, Chef Yankel’s Pepper-Crusted Flat Iron with Root Vegetable Mash.

Pepper-Crusted Flat Iron with Root Vegetable Mash


  • 2 ButcherBox flat iron steaks
  • 2 tablespoons coarse ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 3 medium parsnips, peeled and sliced
  • 1 large turnip, peeled and sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, smashed
  • 3 cups milk
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated


1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Place cast iron pan in the oven.

2. Place parsnips, turnip, garlic, and milk in small saucepan. Add more milk if needed to cover vegetables.

3. Simmer on low heat until vegetables are tender. Remove vegetables from pot, and place in a bowl.

4. Add butter and mash vegetables, adding small amounts of milk as needed to get a thick mashed consistency

5. Add Parmesan and parsley and scoop mash into medium cupcake tins. Sprinkle top with black pepper and bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

6. Pour coarse black pepper on a plate and press one side of flat iron steaks onto pepper. Season steaks on both sides with kosher salt.

7. Remove cast iron pan from oven, add a small amount of oil and place steaks in pan, pepper side down. Return pan to oven. After 4 minutes, flip steaks. Continue to cook in oven 4 more minutes or until thermometer inserted into thickest part reads 120 F.

8. Let steaks rest at room temperature for at least 8 minutes. Serve with mash and enjoy!


beef cuts chuck short ribs

For grilling season — the best beef cuts from the chuck

Winter is slowly receding here in the Northeast, and it seems as if we’ve — finally — come to the end of a period of strange, colder-than-usual weather across the country. The Masters Tournament has come and gone. The selection of foods at farmers markets is more robust. Scarves, beanies, and mittens will soon be packed away.

And, most importantly, grills will reappear. They will be cleaned, repaired, and lit once more as we undertake that yearly rite of spring — cooking outside.

In our opinion, there is nothing that compares to the experience of throwing a scrumptious hunk of grass-fed beef over some hot charcoals or onto a red-hot grill.

But which beef cuts are best for cooking out? One section of the cow that has long been overlooked is the chuck, especially compared to the filet mignons, ribeyes, strip steaks, t-bone steaks, and tri-tips that come from the middle areas that make up the rib, loin, tenderloin,  and sirloin primal cuts.

As our ButcherBox Head Chef Yankel Polak says, “The chuck is a goldmine of great cuts.”

Some of the best cuts of beef to cook outdoors come from the chuck; also, some of our favorite steaks and roasts, in general, are chuck beef cuts.

You already know chuck beef

The “chuck” primal section produces the vast amount of meat that is used from a cow. Most of the meat from this area — the front section from the shoulder blade and down to the leg muscles — lacks fat and has a ton of connective tissue. Therefore, it can result in tough cuts of meat if cooked incorrectly.

Most parts of the chuck close to the ribs are used for various roasts.

Beef chuck roast, for example, is ideal for braising and slow cooking. Other common roast beef cuts from the chuck include pot roast and bone-in chuck roast, also known as the 7 bone chuck roast. These roast sections are fantastic when quickly seared and then put in a slow cooker for a few hours, especially with some complementary seasonings and spices.

These cuts are large and used for braising mainly because it is easy to cut sizeable hunks of beef out of the chuck section, but also because the connective tissue caused by the overuse of the muscles don’t make them as tender and marbled as sirloin steaks and tenderloin steaks.

However, many of the standard — sometimes vaguely labeled — steaks you can get at the supermarket are likely to be steaks cut from the chuck. Like flank steaks or skirt steaks, chuck is also often used as stew meat, kabobs, and sandwich steaks, and as an alternative to more expensive cuts like sirloin tips, tip roast, and ribeye.

You likely cook chuck meat on your grill quite often without realizing it: Chuck meat is one of the primary sources that butchers use to make ground beef. So if you are cooking cheeseburgers for the family this weekend, there is a good chance you’ve got some ground chuck in the burger mix.


New beef cuts from the chuck primal

Because chuck beef has primarily been used for braising roast cuts, cheaper cuts of steak, and ground beef in the past, some steak lovers believe that you can’t find quality steaks in this front section of the cow.

However, over the past few decades, the beef industry has innovated and uncovered tasty, tender steaks in the chuck section that were previously unknown, difficult to access, or more prevalently used in unique ways in other cultures.

For instance, as part of the Beef Checkoff Program, meat science researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Nebraska identified new and potentially more affordable tender cuts of meat. The project led to the discovery of little-used or unknown cuts, like the Denver steak.

The Denver steak — which does not officially have anything to do with the Mile High City — comes from the chuck flap, an area of the chuck under blade that is full of tough, connective tissue. This steak is delicious as long as it is cooked correctly and, as we’ve said again and again with these types of cuts, must be cut against the grain once cooked.

The beef industry research project also led to the discovery of the flat iron steak, which is a challenging cut to find from the top section of the chuck shoulder. Flat iron steak is a perfect grilling steak; it is tender and tasty when cooked on an open fire. However, it can easily become tough if overcooked. Similar to many other cuts with lots of connective tissue — like the Denver steak — it should also be sliced against the grain.

The Denver steak and flat iron steak aren’t the only great grilling cuts that come from the chuck. Additionally, the chuck eye steak comes from an area of the chuck that is part of the longissimus dorsi muscle, the same place where the ribeye steak is derived. There is some confusion about whether or not a chuck eye is also a Delmonico steak, but that is a subject for another day.

The most delicious of all the chuck cuts might be a surprise

Although it sounds like it should come entirely from the ribs primal, the best short ribs come from the chuck. The first few ribs of a cow — usually the second through fifth ribs — are where the serratus ventralis muscle is thickest. This area is in the chuck primal section. The meat in this section is often tough, which is why short ribs are best cooked over a long period of time with a good marinade or rub.

Culturally, short ribs have been prominent in East Asian and Middle Eastern cooking traditions. However, they have emerged more recently as a delectable treat in the U.S. and can be cooked in a number of ways.

Chef Yankel describes short ribs as “the kings of the braising cuts.” We love slow cooking them bone-in with a sweet marinade.

“Short ribs are packed with healthy fats and collagen,” Chef Yankel added. “Nothing compares for texture and flavor.”

Many of the chuck cuts mentioned above are featured in our monthly grass-fed beef ButcherBox — if you are a member, you’ve likely experienced some of these steaks and roasts. If you want some more on our favorite cooking methods and recipes for the different cuts of chuck mentioned, check out our recipe page or YouTube channel.

If you aren’t a member and would like to become a ButcherBox member with delicious, thoughtfully-raised grass-fed beef delivered to your door each month, click here.